Euphoric (capture me in your scent)
Engulf me in your fiery scent so i could abundantly burn in desire,
Dress me with flowers so i could be in the embrace of your scent's attire,
Connected is my soul to your arteries like appliances to socket wires,
You bring life and meaning to taste,
An unexplainable aura of smells like scattered fate,
I would probably die in your arms at this rate,
Beauty so rare even flowers have grown to hate,
You are the essence of euphoria that succumbs souls searching for meaning,
The A to the O,the end and the stench that had a deeper meaning from the beginning,
You are clarity when the air seemed so bleak,
I can't help but get devoured in your chambers like an offspring born weak,
You are truly indeed one of a kind in a million kinds,
The drive of your scent can awaken dead Gods make an African earthling have the desire to appease,
You raise white flags for a barren field of human hazard to bring peace,
Your smell is a pandemic and absolutely an uncurable disease,
Allow me to get sick of you if needs be,
Nectar my being like honey to bees,
Because if im to die in your euphoria then let it be